Union Medical College Visit November 25, 2017NewsNACDA Invited by Dr. Hongzhong Jin, Chairman, Department of Dermatology, our delegation visited Peking Union Medical College in November 6, 2017. The visit was a learning experience for us. The co organized cademic forum was a success. Group photo with Dr. Hongzhong Jin, department chairman and other colleagues Guided tour to the museum of medical school history. The NACDA and Union Medical College Dermatology Forum was enthusiastically attended and well received. Presenters include those from Union Medical College, Peking University and our north American delegation members. Dr. Hongzhong Jin, Dept. chair was making the forum opening remarks. Dr. Kehua Li, President of our association, from a private dermatology clinic and Thomas Jefferson University Dr. Julie Zang from Cornell University. Dr. Shaofeng Yan from Dartmouth College. Dr. Lianjie Li from a private clinic and Case Western Reserve University Dr. Henry Yang from San Marry Hospital and Indiana University Dr. An Yen from a private clinic and University of California, Davis. Dr. John Cai from Dianon System, Florida