Huachen Wei lecture titled “Genetic and immunologic background of recalcitrant fungal infections by Ruoyu Li, M.D., President of Chinese Dermatologist Association.
NACDA president, Kehua Li, M.D. presented a plaque to Ruoyu Li, M.D. in recognizing her effort to improve Chinese dermatologist exchange cross pacific.
Huachen Wei lecture titled “Chinese dermatology: past, present and future” by Hongduo Chen, M.D. member of the academy of science, China, honorary president, Chinese Society of Dermatology.
NACDA president, Kehua Li, M.D. presented a plaque to Hongduo Chen, M.D. in recognizing his effort to improve Chinese dermatologist exchange cross pacific.
Huachen Wei lecture titled “SinoAmerican cooperation in dermatology” by Dirk Elston, M.D., past president of American Academy of Dermatology and president of American Society of Dermatopathology.
NACDA president, Kehua Li, M.D. presented a plaque to Dirk Elston, M.D. in recognizing his effort to improve dermatologist exchange cross pacific.
President elect, Dr. Youwen Zhou presided the opening session.
Keynote lecture titled “How to find pathogenic and susceptibility genes of skin disease by Xuejun Zhang, past president of Chinese Society of Dermatology
Outstanding Achievement in Skin Research Award recipient, Xuejun Zhang, M.D. and NACDA vice president, sponsor of the award, Huachen Wei, M.D.
NACDA president Kehua Li, M.D. presented a plaque to An Yen,, M.D. “in honor and with deep appreciation of the distinguish and unselfish service given to the association while serving with outstanding leadership, vision and ability as president and founder of North American Chinese Dermatology Association 2015-2016”.
An Yen, M.D. presided the resident forum and presented a certificate to each resident speaker.
Dr. Danny Guo, dermatology resident from University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Xiaofen Zheng, dermatology resident from Peking Union Medical University, China
Dr. Jingru Sun, dermatology resident from Peking University, China. She served as a coordinator for the exchange program.
Dr. Andrew Ji, dermatology resident from Stanford University, USA
Dr. Yue Xia, dermatology resident from Zhongshan University, China
Dr. Steve Xu from Northwestern University, USA, Co-organizer of the resident exchange program, chair, resident / fellow committee, NACDA
Dr. Duoqin Wang, dermatology resident from Fudan University, China
Dr. Ainah Tan, dermatology resident from Northwestern University, USA
Dr. Sandy Kuo, dermatology resident from University of California, Davis, USA
Dr. Yuxi Dong, Resident form China Medical University